Thursday 5 April 2018

The daughter is Nine!

The daughter turned nine last weekend. We had a little celebration with her favourite friends at USS. This girl has a crazy thrill over roller coasters. We are so thankful for friends who made it happened with us!

Jazz is my constant reminder of Motherhood as well as this blog's anniversary, which was birthed with her. Days before her birthday, she wrote cards of gratitude to her family and friends. I was heartened. Instead of anticipating receive, she gave. A thankful heart is always the key to contentment.

Thanks Ang for the pic!

Thanks for the pic again, Ang!

The busy parenting days keep us all so occupied that days and years seem so close by. To be honest, I even made a blunder to think that she was turning ten. How could I?!

It is Nine! The final single digit before hopping onto double digits. In no time, she is going to talk like a tween. The pre-trouble age before I gave my parents most heartaches. I confess, there's so much fear in me. The fear of handling a tween, the fear of using wrong communication and discipline styles as her mindset evolve. I hear grouses of Mums who aren't able to communicate with their daughters as they grow older. There is a drift and tension that surfaced unexpectedly.

I told the daughter, it will not be easy ahead of us. I may agree and you disagree, you agree and I disagree. I often sum up my debate with the advantage of being a grown up and being a Mum who knows that my choices are always for the best of my children. That puts her mostly on the silent end for now.

The day after her birthday, we had a lengthy conversation next to her bed. I felt like I was summarizing my life story within that half hour. Oh well, Mums have a unique ability to impart wisdom in a way that no one else can. I had to seize the moment.

I took opportunity to remind the daughter that:

1. Academics is not stagnant and learning curve gets steeper. Brushing and hoping to get done with a fearful topic is avoidance. It will make a come back. Slay that fear gloriously by pouring in double portion of hardwork.

2. Free time does get lesser. Years of lullaby and milk drinking are long over. School load gets heavier, more activities get filled in and spare time to bum around gets significantly lesser. I can't emphasize this much further that we should always stay disciplined and manage time well. 

3. Knowledge is king. The only way to gain new and meaningful knowledge is through the many years of studies. We should not compromise that. A wise man and a fool, who is more convincing? 

4. While knowledge is IQ in progress, we should balance up with EQ. People revolves around us. Identify our feelings and others. Speak with respect, accept differences and consider options. 

5. There will always be a mixed of people around. Deal with the various types of character strategically. You don't have to make everyone happy.


6. I promise you, for every season of hardwork, there will be season of enjoyment. Grit on, because tough and busy days are not perpetual. Balance it well.  

7. There are no perfect friendships. Compatibility is already a great deal. Friends known since young are treasures to keep. 

8. As you grow older and wiser, things do get complicated. There is however no fear as we constantly mature to make sense with our thoughts.

9. Being the eldest is God appointed. It is a privilege to share knowledge and have little siblings model after the good of you.

10. Don't stop reading. The more you read, the more you know. The more you know, the more you think.

Some day, I do hope my words will come to her rescue in troubling situations. After all, I am just trying to do Motherhood the right way with these invaluable points. Nine is a wonderful age to celebrate, still the little girl we love to cuddle daily. I pray that she will be richly blessed in the many birthdays to come.

"Happy 9th birthday, darling! Always your cheerleader!"

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