Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Saying "sorry"

Very much often, humans are covered with that tinge of pride, that we find it difficult to swallow and admit a fault. Never mind that we decide not to apologize, what's more concerning is when we decide to find more faults on others to make ourselves feel better and magnify our righteousness.

I must say apologizing is sometimes not an easy task. I was like that and I have since learned to mellow down much. I'm a Mum, I have little followers after all.

In a recent instance, when I was signing Jazz for a course in a music school, I was very much frustrated with some inappropriate courses they recommended me. Then I called up their other branches with the same queries and found out I was offered some different information. I blew up a little at the lady I spoke to, as I was upset with the diversity of information given. Fast forward, with much little stories within, I found out I maligned a wrong person. Information given was absolutely right, I got confused. Not only was I regretful, I was also deeply embarrassed for not sorting my information right. I am often too hasty to anger. Terrible I know.

Oh well, I could have come out with more excuses like them not giving me solutions, having a new staff on board handling my queries or for getting me all confused. Instead, I decided to end things amicably by apologizing on my blunder mixed up. I could have walked off and ignored the damage done. Leaving them apologetic, feeling bad and probably have some curses behind my back, but nah, I think they did a great job and not deserve my typical Singaporean style of complains. I apologized to end our day well. 

So then, very often, when Js did something wrong that warrants an apology, the intention and sincerity is very much important. I often get grumps and unwillingness when I hint them to apologize. I had to repeatedly emphasize on our purpose of apologizing. We know saying sorry isn't just a word and it ain't easy at times.

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And she gives me sweet notes when she upsets me

Parents often make saying sorry a little of compulsory, to make ourselves feel better instead of the kids. But it may not be a meaningful lesson to teach and learn. Don't belittle the word "sorry', there's simply so much out of it. How about some steps to appreciate the art of apology:

1. Question the scenario: Make them ponder about it. Destroying someone's build up blocks or doodling on others work would upset the person and it's really painful to watch efforts go to waste. We often conclude those acts with mischief, but let's ask why they did it. Questioning also ensures that we don't malign the wrong person.

2. Phrasing our request: Instead of saying, "Can you say sorry?", I often try "Could you say something to make him feel better?" Coming up with their own words of comfort with a sorry and hugs not only help mediate situations, it sends them thinking about their act.

3. Amend: Yes, it's a great start with that verbal apology. All would be better if complimented with some acts to rectify the situation. A joint effort to fix something or checking on each other feelings would be wonderful. 

4. Sincerity: It takes some readiness to understand the intention and bring out that sincerity. If they aren't sincere about it, I'll tell them to try again later when they're all ready. What is an apology without great understanding and good intention within.

5. Forgiveness: Ah hah, working on the victim now. When my other child decides to play punk by saying, "I'm still upset" or "I cannot forgive" I know they are kidding. Kids are widely acclaimed to forgive and forget the quickest than any grown ups. Isn't it wonderful that we're starting all these young?!!! I'll remind them that an apology has be courageously sent out, forget about the spilt milk that we can't gather. Let's move on.

6. Outcome: We must have all realised apologizing made everyone felt better! Which is the outcome we want to achieve. It's perfectly alright to apologize for our mistakes.

The art of apologizing should not to be ignored or taken granted for. It shapes a child to take on responsibilities for mistakes, recognize a fault, relieve a guilt and mend things right. If only the World revolves like this. There's just so much to learn from being sorry.

Monday, 29 September 2014

Pizza making with Ricciottino

We had an afternoon of pizza making with Ricciottino!

Js had a doughy and cheesy filled time with making pizza. They went rolling over their dough, spreading tomato paste over and topping it off with that generous amount of cheese! This team of little budding chefs was led by Chef Gero, the executive chef of Ricciottino.

No idea why Daddy has that expression
Tomato paste
After flattening and filling the dough with paste and cheese, the pizzas were sent into the oven for bake. While waiting, they were very much entertained by a balloon sculptor. Lovely balloons she created.

While waiting
Not too long later, their pizzas were ready!

Ready pizza with Chef Gero
Their self made, thin crust pizza was very much to their liking! I couldn't believe they wolved down 3/4 of the whole pizza, while the man and I helped ourselves with the leftovers. Oh yes, they were deliciously edible despite some unsightly presentation. Yummy! I love thin crust pizzas. 

Hoping for an offer
They enjoyed, very contentedly their pizza making and savouring moments!

He says it all
Other than hands on fun and yummy pizzas for taste, the kids were presented with a certificate and brought home a little rolling pin as their souvenir. 

Ricciottino is a destination of choice for authentic and affordable Italian gourment food and pastries. For Piccolo chefs workshop, you may check into their facebook for more registration information.

Disclaimer: We were given the opportunity to attend this workshop with no fees involved. All opinions and photos are solely our own.

Friday, 26 September 2014

A holiday session with groundworks

During the September holidays, Js journeyed on a 4 days "I Keep Trying" program, conducted by groundworks. This program designed for little preschoolers, ages 4 to 6, focused on the values of Perseverance and Diligence based on the moral tale of ‘The Ant and the Grasshopper.’ Learning the importance of working hard and not giving up. Just exactly what my little Js need more insights to, in their every day life. 

Our competitive culture is very much saturated with centres that conduct enrichment courses and recreational programs for kids. It's not common to chance upon centres that set heart in moulding the characters of our younglings. I'm glad we had the opportunity to hop into this preschooler program, facilitated by one the founders, Claire Ong. A very amicable lady with a great heart and passion in developing children and youths of the future.

Groundworks has collaborated with JEMS Learning House from Hong Kong to offer fun experiential lessons for preschool and primary school children in Singapore. The curriculum focuses on building character and values as a foundation for raising leaders, and covers 3 domains: Identity, Relationships and Community. Popular topics include confidence, manners, perseverance, communication and leadership. Very much concentrated on personal effectiveness and character.

Here's a brief on what was covered throughout their 4 days program:
Day1: Introduction of the term "Keep Trying." The story of the Ant and the Grasshopper was told, where the ant exemplified the meaning of 'don't give up' and 'keep going.'

Day 2: The kids learnt how they can keep trying at school. They listed and talked about the subjects they find it challenging to comprehend, revisited the story with questions for the kids.

Day 3: The kids learnt how to keep trying at sports. I witnessed from outside the class how J pair kept trying in the game of soccer. Facilitators and friends would cheer them on, till they scored a goal! Oh yes, David Beckham in the making.

Day 4: The kids learnt how to keep trying in games and puzzles. My easily frustrated Js have since gained more determination in fixing puzzles. I love the way they coordinated teamwork in solving puzzles.

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Puzzle in team
The initial 5 days program had been well spread into 4 days, 2.5 hours session each. A well allocated duration for preschoolers. For myself, it was a bonus to send both kids into the same program, while I enjoyed that me time with my cuppa coffee and some reading. It was a good trade. 

Although this program was designed for the 4 to 6 years old, I sent Jare in on the second day. Claire was really inviting to allow my barely 4 year old to join in. "Perfect!" I thought. Jare had more of the 'giving up' attitude than big sister. Was really appreciative that Jare hopped in too! New environment always pose uneasiness to my both, but games and much interaction warmed them up in no time. After a while. I could tell they were enjoying, very much. 

These days, whenever Js tell me, "I cannot", "I give up" or "Help me," too quickly. I'll calm their frustration and say, "Keep trying" with the act of pulling my fistful hands down, like a 'rooting for you' sign. They would turn shy and smile. Once calmed, they're all ready to try again. I had this little joke with them about calling Ms Claire if they didn't persevere or try hard enough. It's funny how they got reminded this way. Even more interesting on how such learning is effective when outsourced in a group setting, with planned activities. As much as we read about books on characters, nothing beats putting words into actions.

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"Keep Trying!"
It was delightful to watch how Js and the other kids had fun in the sessions. I could hear laughter and screams of excitement from the outside. There was so much joy in their learning. It was also heartening to see passionate people inspiring and building the characters of our developing young ones. Their world of bubble is beyond the academics. What is a universe of knowledge without a good set of personal values?!!!

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And they graduated!
At the end of the final session, Jazz asked for more! I felt her sense of reluctance that the sessions had ended. I knew the takeaways were drilling some major works in their little heart. I hope they will practice what was communicated, and continue to hold on dear to the value of "Keep Trying."

All parents have expectations of our children's character, so do I. It's a gem to see coachers rising to conduct programs targeted at character development, especially in kids and youths. It takes a village to help raise children. Groundworks is running another round of "I Keep Trying!" coming November. If you have older children, you might be keen in their primary or teens program. Do sign up now to enjoy the early bird discount promotion, by 10 October (Friday) 2014.

Program fees and schedule as below:

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Don't miss being an early bird

Tan Boon Liat Building
315 Outram Road S(169074)

Thank you groundworks for this opportunity given to Js! 

Disclaimer: Js were given the opportunity to attend the preschoolers program for the purpose of this review. No monetary compensation was given. All opinions are solely ours and photos are credited to groundworks.

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Worst days as a Mum

Every job has its best and worst days. I don't present the nice and beautiful things on social media all the time. I have my dark days too. The unique thing about our role as a mum is that, it's irreplaceable. Like it or not, stay on! That corporate job that pays can be replaced with anyone of similar skills set, but not the role of a Mum in the family. 

Bad days aren't what we are looking forward to. But a recollection reminds me that I've gloriously overcome the disasters. I recounted the days when I thought life was being hard on me:

1. Under the weather: It's terrible serving active children when their only carer is near bedridden. There was a time when I was struck by a fever, spinning headache and sore throat, I had to hold the fort to care for Js. It was also then, that I decided to settle their lunch with biscuits or crackers when my then neighbour turned up at our doorstep with porridge for the kids. Thankful for kind neighbours!

2. Sick kids: What's more heart-aching and physically draining than taking care of our unwell kids. Even more exhausting when both kids are down. These are the days when I would lean closer to prayers, step up in faith that they get their pink health back quickly.

3. An over-scheduled day: There were days when I was too occupied with other commitments and personal stuff (hobbies inclusive) that I neglected the kids on the whole. A whole full day with that lack of Motherly guidance makes me feel incomplete. For some bugging reason, I feel sorry when they play aimlessly and look terribly disorganized for too long.

4. An over worked up day: There are days when the vessels in me feel like they are breaking apart. Nothing connects and I can't think right when I see messed up play doh, paint or scattered toys with no responsible owners. Or how about a stained floor or wall? I became a victim of yelling, nagging and all sorts of insane punishments. Oh yes, there are such days when my nerves are totally wrecked. When war is over, I feel really guilty about my styles adopted. That feeling of aftermath guilt, "I shouldn't have yelled that high pitchly" is terrible.

5. An uncalled for remark: I've never been fully confident about how my children would behave in home or in public, with family or friends. Tell me of a child who never had meltdowns. There was an occasion, when someone (I know) blatantly made an uncalled for remark about my child. Being hurtful is an understatement, I was devastated! I was terribly upset for almost a week, before I decided to let God and let go of that hurt. I've been so foolish that I got upset with the kids for the behaviours displayed, in trade for that remark. I knew they were innocent. I rejigged my thoughts and affirmed myself that I've never been an irresponsible parent in any part of their growing up journey. I held them in my womb for a good 40 and 38 weeks, I birthed them, I nurture them and they are mine to be loved, just as anyone's. Obnoxious remarks are uncalled for. You don't have to love my children or my parenting style, just keep unfriendly opinions to yourself. 

A Mum needs that load of patience and tolerance, which are often pegged to our schedule and sometimes our mood. Days are terrible when I lose them. Out of these days, there's always something I think I can do better:
  • Prioritise and manage time better. Mismanagement of time often affects my innocent ones.  
  • Keep undesirable objects out of their sight, even if you think it's of no threat. Making mess manageable.
  • Put the unimportant tasks aside, stop to give attention. Read that requested story, play that game or give quality conversations with eye contacts.   
  • Manage my mood. Good and bad news are everywhere, let's try to be partial.
  • Sift out nasty comments and stay true to my parenting values.

There's much revelation gained out of every situation. Wiser and stronger we become! Remember, there's always something thankful, even in midst of the worsts.

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Get that tranquil tea when the going gets tough

Linking up with

Monday, 22 September 2014

Cavalia - Checked!

My bugging son had been in pleas, asking us to do Cavalia. I never dared think or imagine, but prayed earnestly. We were so delighted that we finally made it to the show! Thanks and much appreciation to the kind people at Base entertainment and Cavalia.

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A wonderful performance!

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We all enjoyed the show tremendously!

Before watching the show, if you were to ask me what Cavalia is about, I would simply say, "HorsePlay!" Walking out of the show gave me great insights. That's of course, I need to have some takeaways other than horses. Cavalia is a differentiating mix of equestrian ballet and performing arts, acrobatics, dance and aerial stunts. Not to mention the multimedia, special effects and live music that complimented it to look beyond just impressive. I read that it uses 20 projectors, as powerful as those illuminating the grandest movie theaters to project the various breathtaking backdrops at the different segments. I was very much captivated at each transformed atmosphere, into the dream like and romantic.  

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Photo credit: Cavalia

The show unveiled its first scene with 2 white horses galloping magnificently onto the stage to greet us. "Wow, look at that!" was my exclaimed. I was embarrassingly excited like a child. As we watched on, we were entertained with both the slow moving and intensifying fast moving acts that sent us gritting our teeth and holding our breath for the performers. All was good of course. There were also parts where they blended some scenes with interesting humour.

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Photo credit: Cavalia

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Photo credit: Cavalia

It was also through the show that we realised we are horse lovers! Their 50 horses, from a dozen of different breeds kept me euphoric throughout. Including a little 'foal' that made seconds of appearance. After which I realised it wasn't a foal, but an 8 hands tall, 15 years old miniature stallion! He was macho! The horses were very beautiful, well kept and well-trained. It expels a magical relationship between horses and men, the harmony and synergy they performed convinced me that these horses had been highly respected and well taken care throughout their performing and non-performing careers. Horse training is very much based on a philosophy of understanding the needs, preferences and emotions of these four legged stars.

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Photo credit: Cavalia

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Photo credit: Cavalia

Delightful, thrilling and poignant summarize Cavalia! The show has been extended to and must close on 05 October 2014, before it leaves our shores and gallops off to Seoul. Don't miss the final few shows, which will only be 14 shows left, after the just over F1 weekend. Schedule your date to catch this once in a life time production. I's not often that we have such a magnificent show in town! 

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Couldn't dissuade the kids from getting those horsies
Be ready for an answer when your child asks to keep a horse as pet. I told mine, "I wish we could!"

Don't wait or hesitate further, I am getting tickets for my parents! In fact, if you reached deep into your pockets and realised you are on a tight budget, I think the furthest rows of seats away from stage, CAT 7 and 8 are good too. The show is located at an outdoor, white theatre tent. It may look like a circus from the outside, but inside, an air conditioned theatre with a 50 meters wide stage! Dress light though, I guess the air conditioning isn't as powerful when set up outdoor. More event details below.

Event Date:
Tue, 12 Aug - Sun, 5 Oct 2014
Tue - Fri: 7.30pm
Sat: 2pm & 7.30pm
Sun: 12pm & 5.30pm
*Please note that there will be no performance 23 Sep 2014 and 5 October, 5.30pm.
Venue: Under the White Theatre Tent
Bayfront Ave next to Marina Bay Sands 
Ticket pricing: 
(Excludes Booking Fee)
Rendez-Vous VIP Premium: S$308
Redez-Vous VIP Silver: S$288
Horse Lover (First Row): S$248
Horse Lover: S$228
Category 5: S$188
Category 6: S$148
Category 7: S$118
Category 8: S$88
Partially Obstructed: S$58
Duration: 2 hours and 30mins (Inclusive of 30 mins intermission)
Purchase tickets at the Box office located on site:
SUNDAY: 10 AM - 8 PM

OR online at:

Discalimer: We were given tickets to the show for reviewing purpose. All opinions are solely ours, and all photos specified are credited to Cavalia. 

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

A mind of their own

Were you ever caught in a situation when 2 of your very young children would like a different direction instead of doing something all together?

Last week, while doing a train transfer to get home, we had to either climb up a flight of really long stairs, or do the escalator to get to the other platform. I was caught when Jare decided to do the stairs and Jazz wanted the escalator. I spent some really long moments at the foot of the stairs and escalator. We were having a discussion and some negotiation about going up together, on the same mode. 

The both strong headed would not budge, and each needed my companion. I then tried to convince them to go on their own, Jazz caved in and agreed she could handle the escalator alone. But wait, stories of escalator mishaps sent chills down my bones. I know she could, but I was just paranoid. On the other side, I thought it was kinda worrying to leave the younger boy alone on the long flight of stairs, although I knew his steady feet would carry him through.

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A really long trail for us!

Oh well, I respected each of their decision. With much awakening that such a decision would come this soon for me. A point of time when I could only choose to be with 1, and not shelter the other. They have each grown to have a mind of their own. I may not always be there with them, but the least I could do is to say a prayer and trust God for the path we choose.

It also occurred to me that parenting has no perfect decision. We do what's intuitively right and best for the kids. I assessed some risks before deciding to go on the escalator with Jazz and left Jare on his own. I decided that the motor operated equipment seemed more risky than steps with leveled landing after each series.

Phew! Glad my little boy arrived the top safe and sound. I did admire the challenge my little bravo took to conquer those steps. It was an interesting adventure that made me felt truly blessed with a renewed revelation. It's true that we never know what we're missing out by not letting go.

Friday, 12 September 2014

We watched Bubble Magic!

With much anticipation, we finally caught the Bubble Magic show! It was a wonderful 2 men show, playing and 'experimenting' with bubbles, like there's no limit to discovery. Which after that session, Js would have probably realised there's so much to just bubbles. The show was designed to ignite imagination and brilliantly staged to blend the poetry of bubbles with elements of traditional clowning. It instilled a sense of childish wonder for all ages, we had a whole good session of laughing therapy. Till now, the loud infectious laughter of a child sitting behind us is still running in my mind. Such a joy!

On a deeper level, the show explored the change of prospective when the 2 characters work together, instead of in isolation, realising the benefits of team work. They worked with water, soap, tubes, circle and smoke machines. Blowing smoke into the bubbles, playing with lights, shadow, music and costumes is just too captivating for our eyes. Even more amazed to be surprised with fishbowl bubbles, bubbles on high wire and a moving train inside a bubble tunnel.

All these got me thinking real hard when Jazz asked to do bubble classes. Is there possibly one? Jare on the other hand was in deep concentration during the show, he was so seriously engrossed. To the extend, he looked like he's gonna be a future bubble-nist, if there's such an occupation.

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There was no proper conversation throughout the show, it was communicated in gibberish or minion language, like what Js would say. So yeah, it's for anyone. No language barrier.

We enjoyed the show very much. It was even more evident when bathroom shower took longer than usual that day. Js experimented with bubbles.

The show is about 65 minutes, with no interval. A just nice duration. Bubble magic is running from now till 14 September. Do check tickets availability at sistic. If you've gotten the tickets, you're in for a great treat. If not, don't wait till it's too late. It's may be pricey, but a great watch and experience for our little ones. We don't deal and witness such exotic bubbles in our usual bathroom days.

Disclaimer: We were given tickets to the show. All opinions are solely ours. All photos are credited to Lunchbox Theatrical Production.

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Crafty caterpillar

Our September holidays has been really fulfilling this far. It's been an all out week for us, Js were on a workshop and I was their Mummy taxi. Out of some afternoon time we finally had today, we made a caterpillar!

I gathered some simple resources:
  • 2 toilet rolls
  • green and red paint
  • black paper
  • Stapler
  • craft glue 
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Painters at work

1. Segment the 2 toilet rolls into 6 equal parts (3 from each).
2. Paint 5 segments green and 1 of it red, as the head.
3. Staple the segmented body and head together.
4. Cut out feelers, eyes and mouth from the black paper. Paste it on.

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Say 'Hi' to Catty

That's our hungry little caterpillar, Jazz named it Catty. Tell us it does look like one. You could make a rainbow caterpillar too! A really easy craft that took us less than 15 minutes to complete. We had 2 workers though.

Have fun working it through!

Friday, 5 September 2014

A teacher's day gift

It's the wonderful teacher's day tomorrow! I left the DIY gift ideas fully in Jazz's hands. Her teachers after all. I merely bought packs of clay and hinted she could mould something out for her teachers. There were many stuff she made out of them, and was indecisive about which to give, even till this very morning.

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Lets mould clay!

It's been a crazy week for me, I somehow got my days mixed up. Or rather, days of the week make no difference to a stay home mum. Sigh! So then, I thought she had another day to get her clay painted for gift. But what! My darling daughter told me this morning, "No Mummy, I'm bringing the gift today, it's today. There's no school tomorrow, remember?" Oh well, my days and memory were never in order since Motherhood came.

I panicked and out of the leftover morning time we had before school begins, she chose what she wanted to give and we hurriedly painted it. She picked a turtle figurine, which was moulded by me! I think she decided to keep the rest for herself.

Let me share this interesting conversation before we go on:
Jazz: Mummy, I have a very very sad news to tell you (She really looked upset, and I got worried)
I paused our steps
Mummy: What is it? 
Jazz: Michelangelo died
I was in deep deep confusion. I never knew the 4 teenage Mutant Ninja turtles became 3. 
Mummy: What? What do you mean? The movie?
Jazz: No. It's the terrapin in our class. His name is Michelangelo. He died and my teacher buried him.
I concealed my chuckle with this piece of news.

So well, that was why I knew she decided to go for a turtle to replace the loss of the once alive. She said it will make her teacher happy! Ahh, sounds like the perfect gift now.

After having it painted green, with not much time left, I decided to quick dry it on my palm in front of our strong blowing fan. Against my better judgement, the turtle 'swam' out of my palm, and its flippers came apart! We almost cried, but knew it was no spilt milk. We mended it with some craft glue.

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The broken and amended

With great mighty attempts, I tried to piece them to look almost flawless. Clearly, we knew it wasn't as perfect anymore. At least, she had something to present to her teacher. I prefer to focus on the thought that counts.

Earlier this week, she also drew something for her teacher, which was sealed into an envelop. All too swift for me to picture for keepsake.
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Personalized gift

It was sure an adventurous morning and memorable teacher's day gift for us to record. Big blunder on my mixed up days, or maybe, I should have prompted her to start the project earlier. Nonetheless, I thought it was a good save.

To all teachers and parents, the first teachers of our littlest, Happy Teacher's Day!

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Trick Eye Museum {Review and Giveaway}

This is a tricky post *wink* Yeap, we visited the trick eye museum last weekend! A different and interesting kind of museum:
  • It's please touch: Touch anything and everything. Leave the emergency buttons alone though.
  • Interactive: The displays and paintings require your active participation!
  • Trick eye: features approximately 100 oversized optical illusion paintings and installations that trick both your eyes and the camera lens. 

Through the use of optical illusions, 3D paintings on the surfaces of the museum walls, floors and ceilings came alive. The museum offered various themed galleries for visitors to take part and explore with their eyes, hands and cameras too. The moment we entered, Js started getting creative with the displays, and just couldn't keep their hands to themselves. Phew, no restrictions.

You would have probably realised good acts and poses are needed for great photo effects. Not that we were excellent, but it was creatively fun staging these with the kids. Directors we become, while I discovered my little actor and actress.

I know pictures speak louder than words, but stay on...

Step inside the paintings, and an act or pose will come into you to complete the picture. It's all naturally easy. Through the lens of your camera a surprisingly tricky story will unfold. There are picture aids at every points to help you with poses and positions, as well as markings on the ground to assist in capturing great angle shots. Just relax and enjoy!

Dress casual. Ladies and little sweeties, leave those dresses and skirts home. Get geared for some work out stunts. Besides doing photography, you might wana consider doing videography too! There will definitely be opportunities for moving acts. After about an hour in the place, we left like we did a great photography work out. It was much exercise within.

We visited on a weekend, and there was a relatively long line outside the museum. It could be a worrying sign for families with little children, but phew! Coming this weekend, they will implement a new queue system whereby time slots will be allocated when the waiting time exceeds 45 minutes. You will just need to arrive at the designated time allocated. This sounds like a great time and energy saver. I very much appreciate their staggered flow of crowd as it gives visitors a manageable and fuss free experience inside. No shoulders to shoulders rub with strangers. It really is some crazy photography fun, for all ages.

Trick Eye Museum Singapore is open all year around.
Mon-Sun: 10AM - 9PM
Tickets price (One-Day pass)
Adult (13 to 59): $25
Child (4 to 12): $20
Senior (60 above): $20
Book online to enjoy a 10% discount

Now the reward for staying on this far, our giveaway! The kind people from Trick Eye are giving a set of 3 4 tickets to the Trick Eye Museum, to a lucky reader of Mum's calling. Simply follow the steps in rafflescopter below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Details of giveaway:
  • Giveaway is open for Singapore residents
  • Only valid entries qualify
  • Contest ends Monday, 09 September 2014, 2359hrs. 
  • Winner will be notified by email
  • Sponsor reserves the right to amend any changes
Disclaimer: We were given free entries to visit the museum. All opinions and photos are solely our own.