Saturday, 19 February 2011

初十五 - Little Brother Arrived in Feb 2011

It was the last day of CNY, after sending me to school, together with Daddy, Mummy went off for her gynae visit. Upon her check, Mummy asked gynae to check on baby's cord, whether it was affecting his movements. Mummy felt that didi's movements were lesser throughout the days. Mother's instinct perhaps. So doctor checked that cord was around his neck, and suggested to induce that morning. It was so unprepared, everything's gonna happen that day. Hosipital bag was home, arrangement for me wasn't done, the dog's not groomed and Daddy's camera is home! The most important gadget for any baby's arrival.

So here's my little brother's birth story, by Mummy:

10:30am: Scan and checked that dilation was 2cm
10:45am: Tablet to induce given
11:00am: Went on CTG and contractions were strong - 4cm dilated
12:00pm: Admission to TMC
12:30pm: Enema given to clear bowel
2:00pm: Tempted for epidural, but no no. Asked for Pethidine instead - still at 4cm.
2:30pm: Pushed to delivery suite -Awaiting full dilation
6:00pm: Fully dilated, urge to push. Pain was intense, if only epidural was still valid, I might have given in.
6:05pm: Gynae came - 3 tough pushes and...
6:21pm:  Little Brother arrived!!!!!!!!!

Although a second time Mummy, it was a whole new experience. I did it without epidural this time, and man! The pain was horrifying, yet of great achievement. Most importantly, I've saved hundreds of bucks on epidural.
Welcome to our family!

For arriving on the last day CNY - Grandma and Grandpa gave him ang bao
Jazz exploring little Jare...
It's now a Foursome for us!
Upon little brother's arrival. Few things need to change:
1. We need to share this blog, it's no more all about little Jazz
2. Preposition needs to change, it's no more Jazz speaking. It will be Mummy on behalf of us!

Thank God for the birth of another miracle and thank you everyone for their well wishes! Babies are true blessings and joy.