Jazz could be love-struck (think Boy/Girl Relationship), but all clueless when I asked her to define love. I've recently started her on a 4 hour kinddy, which gives her good exposure to some learning out of home, as well as some social interactions with her classmates. It's always engaging when she shares about her activities in school, as well as her friends. I'm glad that she's enjoying school and her companions.
Last night, when I was routinely going through her school's backpack, I found a love note! Not one from her friend, but one she sealed for her friend. A boy. Is she having a crush on someone?!! I vaguely remembered she asked for an envelop, which she would like to gift something to her friend. Nice gesture I thought. After all, we did letters to their Grandparents when we were in the states. Nothing unusual. Not till I see this!
Love letter |
If you just hopped onto my blog, welcome! My girl is still adorably at Five. I had two choices to make last night, ignore the letter, after all, I knew it was nothing to be alarmed about. Or we could discuss about love. I decided on the latter. I meant, what would the receiver's parents think about this love note? Cute I know.
We did a brief chat over breakfast this morning, when she is usually more chirpy before school. I asked her, "What is love?" She was amused, "I don't know." She must have thought, what was Mama trying to ask, out of the blue. I didn't want to give much stress on this topic too, which might trigger her to wonder why there's so much hype about it, when she thinks it's a nice gesture. I knew that love note was harmless. Not that they will go on movie or dinner dates, but maybe, not a good choice of words written... not yet. I offered alternative words like, "Thanks for being my friend" or "You've been a great friend."
I know little ones like to model after the grown ups' behaviour, I see myself in her when she mimics my act of applying mascara or slip in the heels I walk on. "Not time yet, darling." And when I get my dose of TV dramas, as strict as I can, none of the kids get to share that same screen as me (No wild kissy scenes for those little eyes). And before thoughts get wild, it's decent romance drama I'm watching. It's not forever that I can do this, but it just doesn't seem appropriate yet.
Then I told her about my love story. I fell in love at 18, and being sure Daddy was the man who will give me life like a bed of roses, we got married at 24. Ah ah, princesses in Disney too, they fell in love at a grown up age, and were pretty sure who the good man was. That's when we can use, "I love you" out of the family molecule, to an individual being. I hope she comprehended.
"If we love our friends, we walk the talk, do the good acts to show we appreciate friendships. Maybe you can help your friend get his water bottle during snack time, or maybe comfort a friend who's upset. Don't you think it speaks more than saying, I love you?" I said. She knew where I was coming from, and threw in more examples of good acts.
Breakfast wasn't too long, but it got my mind across and she's probably still digesting those chunks of words. Oh well, I don't mean to get into the heavy duty stuff, but gauging from the way she spreads love, and for the benefit of not sending chills down her classmates parents' spine, we should talk about love.
Affirmly, "I love you, Jazz"
PS: The letter was gone when I got her from school! Argh!!!
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