At times, I wonder why can't the Dad be in serious business with the kids. As in, teach and learn with them in proper. Many times, I hear "interesting" conversations between them:
At mcdonalds
Dad: There's no more apple juice.
Jazz: No more apple juice?
Dad: Ya, because the apple never fall off the tree, so no apples to make apple juice, you know?
Jazz: (Nodding her head). Apple never fall.
Jazz was on my iphone at home
Dad: Jazz, come here and play. It's very dark there, the yang qi no good. You know the yin yang qi? Come here!
In the car
Dad: Jazz, why do you need to cry and stomp your feet? Who taught you? Issit Tin Pei Ling?
Eating watermelon
Jazz: I don't want the seed.
Dad: Ya, don't eat the seeds, otherwise a tree will grow from your head.
Still collating more conversations. This is why most Dads leave the academics to the Mums.
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