Sunday, 9 December 2012

Winter Grinchland fun

Love being where we are for the fun activities they constantly have for families. We had a time of Winter Grinchland fun today. Held mainly for folks in the village. It's getting really cold here, but it doesn't snow at where we are. At the Grinchland fun, the kids were exhilarated and had a little snowball fight with the 'man made' snow. Jare loved it so much that he kept getting onto it.

Snow fun!

Then we welcomed Santa who came in a fire truck.

So cool!

 And a petting corner with the really tame animals like rabbits, lambs and chickens. So cute!

Jazz and bunny!

 And the kids went on a pony ride.

Pony ride

Then onto the horse carriage for a breezy ride

Horse carriage

And we met the real Santa. Forgot to tell him our wish list though...

Hi Santa!
And there! The green creature who stole Christmas away, but we got it back and Christmas is still on!

The grinch

Not forgetting happy food for the little ones, cotton candy and popcorn! I had two sticks of cotton candy. Some kind of lost childhood for me. Yums!

Popcorn in a cup
Concluding the fun with pink butterflies face paint.

Face painting

An FOC event with heaps of fun! The kids really enjoyed, so did the grown ups. Event like this reminds me of my serving term in the grassroots, in SG, where events are held within the neighborhood for residents. I want to be really honest about this, the events organized here are more fun and impressive. Maybe weather plays an important factor in making everyone enjoyable. So cool! And it seemed like these events aren't constrainted by budget. It didn't look like some cheesy, old school planning. It's all so creative and engaging. Everywhere and everything is so family friendly that I believe any couples here would be enticed to have kids, not just one, but a few.

Truly appreciate all manpower efforts in making this so memorable. Looking forward to next...

1 comment :

  1. I love the photos! Most specifically the fourth from last photo..hmm,it's really Christmas :-)


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