Thursday 31 December 2015

Time well spent

The month of December had been very eventful for us. I've never felt so accomplished, or rather, truly savour the life of a Mother till the luxury of time gave opportunity. We had a lovely month that was lightly scheduled with classes, but with a schedule of fun. It's beyond words when I say sanity is taking a break from my Mama-taxi routine, slow down and enjoy time with the kids.

It did mean I spent much more time with the kids! And honestly, I love it.

We did vacation and came home rejuvenated.
We got addicted to fun.
We left the TV almost untouched because we've been out to play.
Almost everyday!
We caught many movies in the cinemas,
One of which turned them into Star Wars expert.

We were in for feasts and parties because Christmas was here.
We read stories and the true meaning of Christmas.
A festive beyond gifts and Santa.
It was about the birth of Christ, the reason for the season.
We opened presents one after another, with much thankfulness within.
We were heartened by family and friends who kept us in mind. 
They knew Santa was made up, but we continued to play this year.
Who doesn't mind extra gifts?

We shopped for groceries,
with the frequent requests to pay at the self checkout counter.
On those rainy days, we explored new board games.
Sunny days, we hung out playing with bubbles and roller blades.
Oh, it's one nice thing to watch them still amazed by short-lived bubbles.

We shared endless hugs and kisses.
 Discussed about the right and wrong moral acts.
We concluded, sometimes life is not always fair. 
I marveled at how much they have grown,
and wondered where has the year gone.
We are one evolving family.
We discovered and re-discovered more about each other. 
With gladness, I smile at the beautiful memories we built and are building.

We never looked much into time because our agenda was free.
We shared more bedtime stories and prayers.
We overran bedtime and time to rise.
There was no better time to snug in bed.
We played, danced and sang.
We farewell our teachers and friends during the last school day.

I had more opportunites to take glances at them.
 I told them that they are beautiful and handsome,
and that I love them more than anyone else.
Not even the prince or princess they will meet some day.
A Mother's love is never to be overtaken.
Yes, I am one unique identity.

We were reminded that this should be home,
Where love and fun shall abide.


Monsters under the Sea and Universal studios

To serve God as a Mother is time well spent. While reflections should be a constant, I'm so overly blessed for these children heaven-sent, and for a beautiful month like this. To take time slow and be rewarded with a well-deserved break from the sometimes heavy laden routine. It was a great wrap to the year.

We hope, you too, had a wonderful wrap to the year. Remember to slow down as much as we can, to savour Motherhood!

Looking forward to a greater year ahead. Cheers to 2016! Happy New Year!


  1. I love collies. They are so nice and intelligent

    1. Thanks for dropping by! It's a Shetland actually, looking very much like collie.


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