I was a little delayed in making an advent calendar for the kids, but late better than never. An advent count the days in anticipation of Christmas, and we have included some treats and activities in our calendar. We did up to 25 days instead of 24 days. More fun!
And we made it out of toilet rolls.
Our advent calendar |
2. Cover one of its openings with soft
tissue wrapper and sealed it with yarn. The other opening is for
inserting the treats and activity slip.
Soft tissue wrap and yarn |
3. Insert treats and activity slip from the other end of the opening. You may put them in a small plastic or wrap them small enough to fit in the roll. So that it doesn't slip out easily.
Treats and activities |
4. Find a best fit box that can fit 25 toilet rolls nicely. I sourced mine by cutting off the bottom of a box, with a side height of about 4 cm, to allow me to hold and put the calendar upright. Remember to write or paste the dates!
Almost there! |
5. Colour and decorate the base box if you like to! We painted it red and green.
Counting down to Christmas! |
Here are the activities I've included in each roll, for each day.
December is a happy month, it's important that we keep the activities light and easy. With little or no preparation work for the mama, me. Everyone deserves an easy wind down towards the tail end of the year.
Have a great time with December!
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