Monday, 9 January 2012

Things to learn from kids

My best few moments are when we pick Jazz from school and coming home to meet the boy. It's being in a state of euphoria that words can't explain after every long work day. Love is the basic explanation, I guess. We catch up alot during our car ride home, I would ask Jazz about school, what she learned, what she did and who her friends are. We giggle and laugh alot on our way home. One of the days, I watched her laugh and realised there are so many things that I can learn from her and Jare instead of me always being their teacher.

They constantly teach me:
1. To smile and laugh at the simplest things in life - Contentment
2. To forgive and forget easily - Graciousness
3. Not a need to always be in a rush - Quality time
4. To stay simple minded - Innocent
And the key of all:
5. Patience

The kids have also made me realised how love is demonstrated unconditionally. The strongest evidence that love is all about sacrifices! 

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