Monday, 27 February 2012

Changi beach park

Last Saturday, after a birthday party at NSRCC, changi, the man brought us to Changi beach park. I wondered what was interesting over there, it was late, about 8pm and we all had a long day from parties after parties. In any case, I had to support the move because Jazz was extremely excited when her daddy mentioned we're going to see the planes' 'belly button'. Yes, we were there to watch planes. The view was great, with the planes looking much larger than the usual distance we see in the sky. We could clearly see the belly of the plane - Nice! Frequency was quite alot, we caught 8 planes within 20 minutes. Hear the loud engine and it means plane approaching. Night sky complimented the lights of the plane, making it really beautiful to watch.   

The kids enjoyed their evening. Jare felt a little scared whenever he heard the loud engine. He would cling on very tightly to me, yet gazing with much curiosity into the sky. I love his expression. It was dark, a pity that we could hardly take any pictures. Jazz was cute, she saw a plane flew by, tickled her chin with her finger and asked, "Hmm, I wonder what the aeroplane eats?" As her mummy, I wonder why would she think an aeroplane needs food. I wonder what she was thinking. Well, kids need answers, Daddy replied, "Aeroplane doesn't eat, it drinks fuel."

Next day, Jazz asked to watch the plane's belly button again! She's loving it. This time, we went in the day but couldn't catch many, perhaps a different spot my man brought us to, but we could see stationary planes instead. We'll definitely go again, I'm enjoying it as much too.

A far view of the plane

 Make your way down to Changi Beach park!

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