Saturday, 16 February 2013

Friendship Day in School

Jazz celebrated valentines aka friendship day in school today. We missed the notice about preparing a little something for her classmates, but Mother's instinct prompted me to work on something for her teachers and friends. I know valentines day is quite commonly celebrated among schools here and it can be quite embarrassing to receive and not give. I always like to instill the art of giving as a lifestyle within the kids, cultivating it since young.

And so, I worked overtime to get these done, while she was asleep. One side printed with a heart and typed 'From: Jazz', the other side with a chocolate bar double taped to the paper. 

Hope the kids and teachers love it! 
Sweet valentines

Great thoughts from the little minds
In return, she got these much goodies back! I'm glad we prepared something for the kids too. My guess-estimation was surprisingly near accuracy even though I had no idea how many kids were in her class. I'm sure everyone had fun giving and receiving! 

Today also marks her last day with this school she attends thrice weekly.

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