Thursday, 7 March 2013


We went hiking at the Pinnacles National Park. Read me right, hiking! So unlike me, not me, not my interest, not my hobby, especially with two little toddlers who don't like using their walking feet and with no usage of carriers. In any case, we took on the challenge with our friends to hike up and down the trail for about 3 hours. It took us about a mile (1.6km) to even reach where our trail should begin. The allocated carpark was full, we had to park at a further alternative. I thought I had conquered the whole Earth after that first mile. I sure need more exercise. 

'2 sacks of rice'

Uphill! Test of endurance

Good moments with their walking desires
We did it!
Js loved being carried most times, I had to constantly use a pack of gummies to reward and recognise every good effort. Whatever ways that spare our arms, is worth a try. We packed and had lunch with the nature, which I think the view was breathtaking. Air smells fresh and weather was perfect. Neither too sunny nor cloudy, the cool weather pampered us well. 

Walking is a brisk with co-operative toddlers. But walking against gravity with 'a sack of rice,' it really is a test of stamina and endurance. I'm glad Jare fell asleep only when we made our way down, so much easier than carrying a sleeping child up. And for the next few days, my body, legs and arms ached like it never had such workout for the longest time ever.

We did it with two 'huggable' kids!

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