Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Books Bug at NLB

Are you a frequent visitor at the National Library? We are! It is however only this recent that we started hunting and collecting book bugs! This initiative must be Pokemon inspired. Instead of using a device, walking everywhere to catch mons, we collect bugs by borrowing books. Each loaned receipt allows you to tikam for an envelop of 2 bug cards. If you have 5 members, like us, in the family (each has a card), you can get up to 10 cards.

What do you do with these cards? There's a game to it, which we have yet to discover. Collection in process.

Photo credit: NLB

There are a total of 84 cards to collect. 60 basic designs and 24 shiny designs. To collect basic cards, simply present the receipt of 8 loaned books at the redemption booth (Only up on weekends). To redeem shiny cards, we can attend a programme at the library OR submit a completed discoveRead activity sheet at the redemption booth.

Mystery Items come in the months of June and November. We missed June and so we've no idea what this mystery is. We'll be doing it this month! Complete the quiz at the bottom of the discoveRead activity sheet, and bring a matching book bug card to the redemption booth.

So yeap, the same activity sheet for both shiny card and mystery item.

And then, there's the playoff, where you can receive the limited edition book bugs badge. Join the playoff to battle against other Book Bugs collectors and stand to win a prize. Visit the different Book Bugs zones where you can catch a live demo of the Book Bugs game, mingle and trade cards with other Book Bugs collectors. Exchange the original Swap Pass at the Swap Pass booth or participate in the activities in the craft zone to redeem a Shiny Card that you missed. Registration required here.
The original Swap Pass will be available at the redemption booth. This playoff is only open to the 7 years old and above. 

I have to applaud NLB's initiative with this buggy programme. It really did get the kids frequenting the library more! Instead of bi-weekly, till the loaned books due date bug us to return, we are going weekly. These book bugs will definitely send your kids bugging you for library trips! 

And remember, redemption  booths are only up on weekends. At all libraries, except Chinatown, Esplanade, Orchard and Sengkang. But, if you happen to be there on a weekday for borrow, keep the receipt and come by to redeem on weekends! 

When do you start? Now! Collection began in June and only till December 2016. Never too late. The ultimate goal is not about completing the bugs collection, but the process of collecting and all parents will love... getting the kids excited about books! Over and over again.

Another good things must share post. We gotta go catch them all now.... not Pokemons, finally.

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