Monday, 7 November 2016

Charlotte's Web [Review]

Over the weekend, we got ourselves enchanted and entangled in the all-time classic tale of Charlotte's Web presented by SRT, The Little Company.

Charlotte is a barn spider that proved to be a true friend to Wilbur, the pig, by coming to his rescue when he was going to be sent to the butcher.  With no idea how she could help, she gave her word of assurance that she will help Wilbur out of his destiny of death. When I first read of the story, I did doubt her ability to help, as she was just a tiny spider.

Being small often holds the most unbelieving ability. With brilliant web-spinning skills, Charlotte weaved messages that convinced the farmer and villagers that he is no ordinary pig and he should to be saved. It worked!


This extremely gentle story sheds kind wisdom about friendship, love, hope and grief. Yeap, kinda sad, but Charlotte had to die after laying her eggs. It is often conditioned in a child's story that everyone lives happily ever after, but maybe that is not how real life works. It is one good opportunity to explain that the life-cycle of a spider is complete after making egg sac. 

Her biological duty is fulfilled, and she dies.

Though a heavy heart towards the end of the play, it was turned onto a happy note when the egg sac Charlotte left behind, hatched into hundreds of spiders - her children and grandchildren! It ended with a death, but also lots of births.

This is yet another lovely production by SRT, where every child and adult will love and celebrate the friendship displayed between the two. Not only did Wilbur find a friend, he too, found hope in the most dire situation. We learnt not only to receive kindness or take a friendship for granted, but that kindness begets kindness. Wilbur guarded Charlotte's egg sac till they hatched.

It's not often that someone comes along as a true friend.

We enjoyed this play very much and I specially loved the role played as Charlotte. It was very impressively portrayed with well choreographed moves that convinced and captivated the audience. Clever stage props, like how the spider hung and crawled on the roof of the barn was definitely some mega effort put into the staging. World class standard, if I can say.

This play is however much different from the usual productions. It is more conversational with little singing and dancing. Best way to bring out the essence of this story, I feel. A recommended age for watch would be 4 and above, when kids have a little more attention span to conversations.

There really isn't much to hesitate about catching this play. The only valid reason to delay is because you had like your child to complete reading the book, if he has not. Other than that, don't miss this! Jazz came back and dug out her book for read again. We do want to re-watch the movie too! How nice to have caught this story in 3 various presentations.

A timeless tale indeed!

Get tickets here

Charlotte's Web
28 October 2016 to 11 December 2016
Weekends and Public Holiday : 11am and 2pm
Weekdays : 10am, 1.30pm, 2pm, 2.30pm, 3pm

KC Arts Centre - Home of Singapore Repertory Theatre
20 Merbau Road,
Robertson Quay,
Singapore 239035

Ticket Pricing (Excludes Booking Fee)  
Standard: S$28, S$25
Family Package of 4: S$95 for Cat 1 tickets
Family Package of 4 (with TLC CD Vol.2): S$107 for Cat 1 tickets
Weekends (Sat & Public Holiday)
Standard: S$48, S$38, S$35

Duration: Approximately 70 minutes

Disclaimer: We were given tickets for the purpose of this review. All photos, unless credited are solely ours.

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