Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Meet The Dark Knight!

This is a must catch this September school holidays - The Dark Knight comes 'live' in action at City Square Mall! Experience the excitement as Batman fights to protect the world from evil schemes of his arch nemesis, The Joker.

Batman fights The Joker

An action-packed show which kept all kids really silent and captivated throughout. Younger children might be terrified with that tad heroic violence, as well as the costumes and makeup. Jazz was terrified of the Joker, but she did enjoy the show ultimately.

Jazz was terrified of the Joker
We've been to a couple of meet and greet sessions at City Square Mall and I will say this is one worthy trip if your child is a great fan of superhero, Batman! The casts are intensive, costumes are aesthetically stunning and there is an unexpected surprise. My man thinks I should not reveal, but I will. Batman will be rappelling from the top of the mall! Do keep a look out for that.

The casts

Have you spotted 2 Batmans in the picture above? One's the real and the other the pretend. Head on down to watch how a story is staged and reveled through the many characters! 

Aren't the costumes great looking!

Before the show, while on the way to the mall, I told Js we will be catching Batman. Jazz went, "Ok, I'll read my book and Jare will catch the show." She didn't think she could be identified with those masculine superheroes. It was proven too exciting that she decided, she should join in for watch. Surprisingly, Jare asked to come back again for another session. Hmm... perhaps, we should.

We did our meet and greet after the show, which obviously everyone in my family was avoiding the Joker. After which, we went round the DC Comics Justice League Adventure for a test of Js super powers. Mini games and obstacles courses were set up for play, and upon completion at each station, a superhero sticker is awarded. Love it this round that fun is brought indoor, not outdoor. Perfect solution for the hazy days.

Mini games fun

Js enjoyed the mini games and obstacles courses very much. It was an evening that made them really excited and happy.

Haven't you got an idea this holidays?!!! 

Here's the easy deal to get your passes:
1. The Dark Knight 'Live' on Stage
Date: 05 to 13 Sep 15
Time: 7pm (Mon to Fri); 2pm and 7pm (Sat and Sun)
Venue: Level 1 Atrium
Redeem a meet and greet pass one hour prior to each show and snap a photo with the Dark Knight. Limited to 50 passes per show. 

2. DC comics Justice League Adventure
Date: 05 to 13 Sep 15
Time: 12pm to 9pm daily (Last admission at 8:45pm)
Venue: Level 1 Atrium
Redeem an adventure pass to the mini games and obstacles courses with a minimum spending of $30. Limited to 200 passes daily. 

3. Batman Mask-making session
Date: 05, 06, 12 and 13 Sep 15 (Sat and Sun)
Time: 4pm
Venue: Level 1 Atrium
Redeem a pass 10 minutes before each session at level 1 stage area. Limited to 20 kids per session, aged 4 years and above.

From now till 04 October 15, spend a minimum of $250 ($350 if inclusive of NTUC Fairprice receipts), shoppers can redeem a Justice League Stationery set and exclusive fordable storage box. Plus, receive an additional choo-choo city express ticket with at least 1 receipt from Kids' ware or education and enrichment outlets. 

Have a great time shopping! Or if not, watching the Dark Knight in action. 

Disclaimer: Media invite. All opinions and photos are as usual, solely ours. 

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