Thursday, 25 February 2016

A Star Wars Theme party

Jare celebrated his 5th birthday last week with a Star Wars themed party. He requested for the theme, after which I realised it was quite a challenge, as the party stuffs were not an easy find. I do have a love for planning theme parties, but I've to pre-warn, it is one whole lot of tiring job. The satisfaction of success is immensely great though.

Here's what we did:

1. Goodie bags
As I decided to hunt for them on taobao, I had to order them early before the Lunar New Year crept in. So yeap, guest lists had to be prepared early to order the most accurate count with some spares. I have a heart for practical and fun items, so here's what I've picked out after days of 'researching.' Star Wars theme is also one unpopular find on taobao, so it does take some time to search out.

Carted out with pouches to hold the goodies, light pencil box, clips, luggage tags, black coloured notebook with luminous pens to write on. It should delight the kids, I hope.

I did not include any edibles in as we know how the snacks and sweets are often negotiated with parents. Instead, I left the snacks and sweets to the pinata and dessert table for free choice adoption.

Goodie bags!

Goodies in the bag!

2. Printable
Free printable online does make life much easier. We made masks and printed some for wraps and pastes on packet drinks and snacks.

Here are some we found. You may improvise them accordingly.

It's no perfect job when you outsource the cutting to kids. But really, it doesn't matter, we should all have great fun planning and preparing together. It's their party after all.

Job distribution

Prints on snacks

I did set up a little corner to for kids who prefer seat work like colouring or writing. The free printable worksheets with some colouring materials did help in that part of entertainment.

3. Dessert table
I had the ease of setting up a dessert table since the venue was home. Which means, I don't have to transport massive items out of home.

The snacks with printable went onto the table to help beautify. Above those, I tired to work with the colours and characters of Star Wars to plan on food. It helps when we try to think of practical food that guests would eat, not just for the sake of a pretty table. I baked chocolate cupcakes (looking like the dark side), prepared soy green beans (looking like Yoda's colour), grapes (thought of BB-8), Marshmallow (turned stormtroppers), chips and chocolate pastry. Too much cakey stuff, so the pastry was left almost untouched. 

Imagination can run wild with the food and names. As long as you like it! 

Dessert table!

Cupcake toppers from Amazon. Photo credit: SG East photography

Getting this sweet table up wasn't as tough as I thought. It helps much when we've got some ready cupcake stand and plastic wares to hold the food. Muffin cups are good snack holders too.

4. Decoration
We went simple on the decor. Nothing much was done except balloons near the cake cutting table, aka dessert table. We rented helium tank so we could inflate some black and white balloons for the kids to bring home, as well as to inflate the character balloons I bought from taobao. 

It was most wonderful to have Jasmine from twist entertainment coming in to help make light sabers. Huge and small handheld ones! The handheld red, blue, green and purple light sabers really cheered and excited not just the boys, but girls too.
She is sure one talented lady with creative ideas and twists for parties. She made wonderful and exciting balloons at Jareth's party last year too! 

Thank you, Jasmine!

Light sabers for take home

 And I love how impressive looking these huge light sabers gave to the dessert table. There was even a black button to light it up! Imagination counts.

Blue and red, huge light sabers!

Aren't they cool?!! I must say these really help build up the theme. The kids were delighted to take the handheld ones home, while the huge ones were left for me and my man to settle our squabbles. May the force be with me!

5. Entertainment
It's always my criteria to have the kids happily entertained at a party, especially in the venue of home. Just so they won't overturn the house. I know, I'm one smart Mama here.

We got a magician, Derrick from Cream of Maestro, and settled with his package of magic and games. We've seen him a few times and what convinced me, again, was the use of decent English. We do have some fun slang here and there, but most times he communicated well with the kids.

In line with our Star Wars theme, he got the kids enrolled into the Jedi academy of games, where the kids had crazy fun and laughter with their light sabers. I was most glad he started earlier to entertain the early birds. After which he proceeded to his magic show.

The little happy faces did convince me that they had a magical time.

Photo by: SG East photography

I asked the birthday boy if he liked magician Derrick, he went, "Yes! Because he made light out of my shirt!" Just how wonderful magic it is when it comes to deLIGHTing kids.

Good things ought to be shared, Derrick is offering a 20% off all his packages to readers of Mum's calling! Quote 'Mum's calling' when liaising. Exclusive offer valid for a year, till Feb 2017! I do think it's one awesome deal not to be missed.

6. Pinata
I had really wanted to DIY one, like last year. But while shopping around, we found one decently priced at Spotlight. It didn't take long to decide, so we bought it! However, for some reasons, we didn't have a successful pinata game. We had to manually spill the goodies out. Nonetheless, the kids went scrambling over the fallen goodies.

Filling it up

Behind the scene, Js had a great time filling the pinata up. Instead of 'fattening' it with sweets, I thought I should be kind to those little teeth by mixing in some packs of soy milk and biscuits. Though that left me wondering if these would excite them. Oh well, at least we have some lollies and gummies in there.

For bulk buy of snacks, you may consider visiting the Warehouse club at Joo Koon. You do need a membership to shop in there though.

Huge buys!

7. Photographer
Our all time favourite photographer is Swee Shiong from SG East Photography. After Js came along, I started to appreciate great photos even more. I couldn't much settle with grainy or blurry pictures. For memory keepsake, I do think an onsite photographer helps much in capturing the wonderful and unseen moments of your party. All you had need to do, is to focus on hosting and be around where needed. Leave the capturing of beautiful moments to your photographer. 

It really was quite assuring to have one highly mobile camera at the party.

Family time! Photo by: SG East photography

Drama time! Photo by: SG East photography

Greatly satisfied with his pictures. Even our furry son was not spared.  Thank you, Swee Shiong!

Enjoying the party, eh? Photo credit: SG East photography

So yeap, that's our little adventure on planning a Star Wars theme party. It didn't have to be an extensive or intensive party, but one that makes all kids Happy! We know how easily contented they are. We appreciate parents who took time off their busy schedule to come by with their kids. "Thank you uncles and aunties for your wonderful presents, and most importantly, your presence that made us felt honoured. Jare had a really fun time with his friends!"

Party is over, we left the galaxy, decided not to join the dark side and come back to Earth. Remember my hard work, son! I am your Mother.

Party contacts:
1. Twist entertainment
Instagram: @twistentertainment
Contact:  97238707

2. SG East photography
Instagram: @sgeastphotography
Contact: 91177841

3. Cream of Maestro
Contact: 93630342

Disclaimer: Balloons and photography were sponsored. Magician was offered at a discounted rate. All opinions and photos, unless credited are solely ours. 

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