Tuesday, 23 February 2016

The boy who cried wolf - Watched!

We are great fans of stage plays that bring across meaningful moral values. Last weekend, we were most delighted to have caught, "The boy who cried wolf."

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Enjoyed the show much!

A story about a young boy who tended his sheep and got rather lonely, so he thought of a plan to get a little excitement. He called out, "Wolf, Wolf," and the villagers came out to meet him. Some of them stopped with him for a considerable time and this pleased the boy so much that he tried the same trick again. But shortly after this, a wolf did come out and worried the sheep. The boy cried louder than before and you guessed it, no one came to his rescue after being fooled twice. 

Photo credit: itheatre

The consequence wasn't tragic as in the original story, but a spin off into an effective lesson displayed through positive reinforcement. You do need to find out! What mattered was that, the boy did learn an important lesson on lies. "A liar will not be believed, even when he speaks the truth." I think, this would be the most tragic character of a person.

Staged with colourful props, costumes, songs and dance, this is one humourous, lively and fast moving play that will keep the kids on edge, as well as participate in some of the interactive moments. The audience had a very important role of waking the sleepy shepherd up. I could tell all the kids enjoyed and were well engaged.

This first production by itheatre in 2016, is one very well done!

Photo credit: itheatre

What I specially loved about the show was embedding a little puppet show within. It showcased the story of Chicken Licken to the boy, teaching him (and us) how a foolish mistake can lead to a very bad consequence. Serious as it sounds, it was all funny and meaningful. Js enjoyed this part especially much too!

Photo credit: itheatre

While we say counting sheep may be a boring job, and it does send us to sleep most times, it is nonetheless one noble job to watch over the livelihood of the village and stay prepared. How tricky it is when one's character is often tested over the things we consider least significant. This is really one great play that creatively relates to our kids about lying and its consequences. Not to be missed!

So then, what lies have you told? Did you get away with it? I always tell the kids, "the truth will prevail, it's just a matter of time."

Catch this play before it closes on 19 March. Get your tickets now, over at sistic!

Date: 15 February to 19 March 2016
Time: Mon to Fri - 10am, Sat: 10:30am and 2:30pm 
Venue: Jubilee hall
Ticket price: $32 (Exclude booking fees)
Duration of play is about 55 minutes. Most suitable for between 3 to 13 years old and families.

Disclaimer: Tickets were given to us for the purpose of this review. All opinions are solely ours. 

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