Monday 18 April 2016

Little lessons Iearnt as my daughter turned 7

Dear Jazz

You turned magically seven early this month. It's now mid month and I know this has to be a milestone to document for. 

Your birth day also marks the birth of our blog! It was your birth that inspired me to start our milestones and memories in here. Together with you, it has grown to be seven years. 

I often do random read back and looking at you and your brother, I'm assured that you both are happy little beings, enjoying childhood to the fullest! That makes my Motherhood journey as fulfilling too.

On your birthday...

I packed a box of your favourite snacks to school. It was unusual to pack gummies and your favourite junkies snacks for school. But, it was your birthday! 

When I got you after school that day, you were upset that you gave up your all gummies to the classmates sitting near you. You said you couldn't say, "No."

For that kindness you shared, I brought abundance to you. I gave you a pack of gummies!

Thank you for that sacrifice to show kindness!  

Birthday snack box
I asked where you would like to go? You asked for the theme park. I declined because it would be a pity that I can't go on rides with you. Daddy has to be at work, and you understood us readily.

You gave an alternative of going to the beach with your favourite buddy, Pillow. I was more than happy to fulfill that simple request.

Thank you for teaching me simple joy! 

I asked if you would like to bring little brother along, you said, "Yes! He's my play funner." I'm amused at the love hate relationship you both hold.

Thank you for loving your family! 

Siblings joy

Then I asked about the cake you would like. I threw you all the fanciful options, but you only wanted the cake we always ordered from my childhood baker. It was usually plainly designed, but she made it special for you. For the love of dogs you have.

Thank you for making it easy! 

Lovely Dog

I asked again, what was your birthday wish, you said a game of Monopoly with your family! I'm impressed at how you gathered everyone for an amazing game of 3 hours!

Thank you for teaching me contentment!

Oh, I am getting all soooo emotional marveling at the simplicity and thoughtfulness in you. You even understood that we don't do anymore parties upon entering primary-hood. You never whined a single bit when we were doing so much for your little bro's 5th party this year. 

Thank you for the many little lessons you teach along our walk. You teach me what life is all about! And it's our blessing to have you as our daughter.

As you stepped into the world of massive academics, I often tell you, success is never a coincidence. Work hard with that strong hunger of knowledge burning in you. You will be one great achiever.

We love you and always believe in you!

Keep in check too, that a beautiful person isn't just about the achievements outside, but the nature of our inner core. Stay beautiful!

I hope you had yet another memorable birthday.



  1. Happy happy 7th birthday Jazz! She's such a sweet and understanding her and bless her big heart too.

  2. Thanks Susan! We are indeed blessed.

  3. She has a beautiful and very kind heart. It's a gift! Blessed (belated) birthday Jazz.

  4. Happy 7th birthday Jazz! She's very 懂事. Growing up to be a lovely lady!

    1. Thank you, mummybean! I hope she grows up well too.


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