Saturday, 26 January 2013

Legoland - San Diego

It was the long weekend again, we drove down to LA and San Diego for yet another round of theme parks. We went Disneyland, Legoland and Universal Studios. It was our first visit to Legoland. Thanks to mummy J for the tickets when she visited us 2 months ago. 

We haven't been to the one in Malaysia, as it wasn't ready when we left. Unsure of any comparison, maybe one distinct difference would be old and new. The Lego displayed in San Diego doesn't seem to withstand the hot scorching sun, they were mostly faded. Other than that, it still stood out impressively. Lesser human traffic and shorter lines than the always packed Disney parks. This made our exploration a breeze. The park has quite a few rides with very little shows. In fact we caught a 3D show, which I felt was boring. If you are short of time in the park, forget about the 3D shows. 

Most rides were Jare forbidden. He was 2 inches fall short for most rides. Jazz could ride on most, but we thought it was 'torturing' for Jare to wait, watch us queue and do rides, while he can't. I did 2 rides with Jazz, and we did most other rides as a family.

After visiting Legoland, playing lego isn't as simple as I usually thought. They are blocks of much hidden creativity with various ways to build up. Especially in Miniland USA, they did up the different states of USA with Lego. It was an eye opener!

Jazz in the driving school for the ages 3 to 5

Jazz took this for us!

Lego buildings

Build and test

End of the day, we walked away with 3 sets of Lego, with one belonging to the mama. Legoland convinced me to join in the building fun. I'm just afraid that I'll get hooked on fun. Lego is an expensive hobby, but much cheaper to get them in the states. 

It was a great day out. The theme park could have been more fun if Jare could get on more rides, or perhaps, we should have visited it later when Jare makes it taller for the mark.

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