Monday, 2 February 2015

Science in a novel!

It's totally brilliant when one weaves learning into graphic novels. Comic, you may call it. Even more relevant and worth the read when it's based on Singapore's MOE syllabus. That's how creatively Aurelia from Harvest edutainment had worked to keep science learning children engaged. Jazz may be some years away from doing science proper, but we're always open to learning and gaining knowledge on any subjects. As long as she's curious.

When Aurelia sent us her educational comic book, JJ's Science Adventure on heat and light, Jazz didn't wait too long before diving into it. I could tell she was completely captivated with the story and learning points.

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Heat and light the fun way

When I first saw the book, I was thinking out loud on why it wasn't so creatively available during my book mugging days. It was all too interesting! Visual learning and teaching was very much my style, in fact a very effective style for anyone. Combining story, facts and graphics made this an innovative manner to help kids conquer subjects or topics they hold phobia of. I'm pretty sure this will aid any child in comprehending the topics to a better light. Children are awesome when it comes to recollecting stories and graphics, sometimes to the very details!

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Extremely engrossed

JJ's Science Adventure highlights the characters, Joyce and Jonathon's (JJ) adventure into the World of Heat and Light, where they solved challenging puzzle traps laid by their grandfather to help them learn Science. And of course, some baddies in a novel made it really exciting to follow through. Mr Sinister and his minions were up to sabotages against JJ's mission. Of course, like any fairy tale, it had a happy ending.

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Facts about light

It then became Jazz's first completed comic book with parental approval. Comics aren't too bad when it comes with good write up and intent. I meant compared to the days I was on Archie, I had to sneak it under desk to not get it confiscated by my then teacher. Comics may come bad or good, but this is one too excellent to miss!

I love the numbered points laid out on facts:
1. Light from a light source travels in a straight line to an object
2. The object then reflects light
3. The reflected light enters our eyes and our brains process the signals into an image

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Facts about heat

And it talked about heat:
  • Water in its gaseous state is invisible, we call it water vapour.
  • When ice gains heat, it melts and becomes water. When water gains heat, it turns in water vapour.

There were many more scenes with learning points incorporated into the novel. These points were boldly highlighted in blue for easy identification.

I like that the book ended with two more sections - "Did you know?" and "Challenge yourself." The two topics covered under "Did you know?" were Laser and Bioluminesence. It talked about laser and its application, and I grossed out when it talked about the procedure of LASIK. I had mine done some years ago, but was not ready to get refreshed on it. Bioluminesence refers to the light produced by some living organisms, which takes place through a chemical reaction. Think firefly.

"Challenge yourself" included a word search of the key learning words. Fun search you can call it.

So how do these two topics sound in a novel, interesting eh? Big question is, how much and where to buy? The book costs $18.90 and can be bought at Elm tree at:
Paragon (level 5)
Star Vista (level 2)
Downtown East
Funan (level 5)
My ToyShop at Jelita Shopping Mall (L2)
Xplore by Zenitant  at United Square (#01-40)
Booktique pop-up store at CityLink Mall (#B1-17A)

You may also eshop at:
Harvest edutainment
my greatest child

Always nice to support local authors. A piece of good news is that Aurelia will be giving away a copy of Heat and Light to one lucky reader of Mum's calling. Simply complete the following steps to qualify:
1. Like Mum's calling on facebook
2. Like Harvest Edutainment on facebook
3. Leave your name and email on this facebook post. Tag a friend or more whom you think this book will be of relevance to.

Best of luck!

Thank you everyone for your participation! A final keeper had been picked with Congrats Ace Serene

Terms and Conditions:
  • This giveaway ends on 09 Feb 15, 11.59pm 
  • Open to Singapore residents only 
  • Winner will be contacted using the contact particulars provided when entering this draw
  • Winner will have 48 hours to respond, failing which a new winner will be drawn. 
  • All incomplete entries will be disqualified. 
  • All entries will be verified before the winners are announced.  

Disclaimer: We were given a copy of JJ's Science adventure, Heat and Light for the purpose of this review. All photos and opinions are solely our own.

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