Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Mum: Taker of teeth, giver of loot

Once upon a Tooth Fairy - The tale is alive in our household!

It wiggled and jiggled for some time before Jazz's gums surrendered 2 bottom incisors to the tooth fairy. New milestone, all within a week. Too fast and too quick for tooth fairy to be ready for it. Oh well, you know, I know who's the acting tooth fairy. Like the tale of Santa Claus, I didn't burst her whimsical bubble of the tooth fairy.

With put together childlike faith. She wrote 2 letters to the tooth fairy, and chucked them tenderly under her pillow. I didn't solicit her to write those letters, it was acted upon a story her teacher shared in school. I read them with much unwillingness to burst that bubble.

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Letters to tooth fairy

Letter 1 reads, "Dear tooth fairy, I dropped my tooth. Can you give me a very very nice necklace and a bracelet? You can find me at home. I have a gate that is black. I have a brown door to. I have a dog to."

Letter 2 reads, "Dear tooth fairy I dropped my tooth, but I lost it. I am sad. Dear tooth fairy can you give me a tooth fairy toy? I love the tooth fairy, and thank you for the ring the neckles."

Subsequently, she transferred the second note onto paper. She was really upset about misplacing her tooth in school on the second occasion. Although tooth fairy did mention she needs to collect all old teeth to fairy land, fairies can be kind in nature too. Desires granted, a magical experience came through for both! She received a tooth fairy toy in respond to her second letter. After some high and low searches, this was the closest I could get.

A girly doll with wings equates a fairy isn't it? 

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Looking like a tooth fairy toy

She was so excited and in all belief, shared these magical encounters with her teachers and friends. While some friends said, it was her Daddy and Mummy, a few others concurred her thoughts. Oh yes, her teachers played along with us. On the nay-believers, I left her thinking on how firmed her thoughts were. 

It's kind of astonishing to get myself involved in yet another classic tale. Is this something you would play along too? Upon reading her second letter, I thought I should try to achieve something good out of this adventure. I decided to leave her a reply.

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A reply

In the gist of my letter, on the capacity of the Tooth Fairy, comforted her on misplacing that lost tooth and highlighted that she could try requesting for more practical gifts next time (self inflicted headaches, I know). And that the Tooth Fairy loves coming into very neat and tidy rooms. Hopefully, this spurred some get together acts on tidying her room often. We should have video-ed her excitements and surprises this far. All too memorable.

It was some fun adventures we've been in. Would you please not laugh at us. I know it feels silly, but for some funny reasons, I'm enjoying this little part of childhood to sprinkle that extra joy and smiles in her growing up. I know, I won't be ready to confess anything, until I have to. But wait, I might fall into my own trap in future. Will she be upset to discover that Mummy had been playing the imaginary roles?!! While time tells, I'll just treasure these magical moments that only a little kid gets to enjoy.

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