Thursday, 4 December 2014

Good things must share - Ears piercing

This is going to be so blog worthy! All because Jazz had her girly ears pierced today. You have no idea how much this 'milestone' had been a bugging thought in me. It all started when she was few months young, when the whole wide World would advice me to pierce those ears early while the lobes aren't too fleshy. 

We had never put this into action all because I worry (uncalled for, I know) how she would handle it, the cleaning and of course the pain. I've been hoping and wishing to get them off my bucket list. Glad it's finally accomplished.
Thankful for a friend whom I met over lunch with the agenda of getting her daughter's ears pierced today. My eyes popped and ears extended upon hearing, it rang something in me. I knew we had to tagged along. I knew she must have researched and found the best place to get this done. I asked Jazz if she was keen and she nodded instantly. Phew! She said yes. Such a perfect day and time to be doing this courageous act.

So yeap, we ended up at B'dazzle in Wisma. Took some time choosing the better quality earrings, which were rather pricey, but recommended to lower the risk of infection. I did the kiasu mama choice, and got her to pick something from the better quality range. Your bill depends on the type of earrings chosen. All from solid gold, Titanium to Nickel-free earrings made of grade 303 surgical steel.

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Her ears were then marked and swiftly, two gun snipers pierced both lobes together. It was all over within a second, and it surprised me that she didn't cry. I trusted their professionalism, but just triple checked on those markings, if they were centralized and well marked. I was seriously more anxious than she was.

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Markings made

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Her anxious 'All ready' expression. Photo credit: Caecilia

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The disposable cartridge and pierced

She feedback that it was a slight painful, but all bearable.

The earrings were individually packed and came in a disposable cartridge ear piercing tool system that prevents the spread of communicable disease. They were sterilized and sealed with direct importation from U.S. Most pleased with this hygiene standard.

The ear care solution wasn't included in the package, we bought it at $10.70 each or $18 for both. I thought it might be nice to throw in as a gift. My bill was $119 (Went for the solid gold) after all! Inclusive was also 6 weeks of after care services. After care services can be done in any of their shops:

1. Wisma Atria
2. Raffles city shopping centre
3. West Mall or
4. Junction 8

Gone were the painful days of ear piercing, glad that technology advanced with time. How did I think we were still in the dinosaur days where we used ear guns to pierce. And nope, this is not a sponsored post, but a 'good things must share' post.

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Lovely stud she chose

Vanity is sure contagious. I have always admired my pierced ears and thought they were one of the best gifts my parents gave me. It dawned upon me that some vanity can be given when young. My gift to you, darling!

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