Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Sciency experiment - Water displacement

We talked about water displacement, we talked about mass, volume and that things take up space! Too excited, all because it was our first official science experiment.

Inspired by a Chinese storybook we read, 乌雅喝水 (crow drinks water), we created a scenario and played a scene out of it. I folded a paper crane as prop for the crow, gathered marbles as stones and a glass flask to contain 3/4 filled water.

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Apparatus gathered

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Gotten a big crow instead!

Interestingly, before I could start lesson proper, Jazz saw the apparatus and went, "I know Mummy, these marbles take up space in the water and the water level gets higher." Oh yeah, so science is for any age! OK, it was from the story that she gained these insights.

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Dropping the marbles

I stationed my crane at the top of the flask, gave it a very long beak just so the water won't overflow in the hands of my enthusiastic kids. I marked the initial water level before they began to drop marbles one at a time. We then marked the new water level after immersing all the marbles.

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Just a little more!

Oopsy daisy, little crane is still unable to drink the water! I got Js to look into their toy boxes for something which they think would be of good volume and density to further displace the water level. And they found a tiny ball that would enter the flask and submerge. Good chance to talk about sinking and floating too.

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Ahh... thirst quenching!

Oh yay, our crane quenched its thirst! It was a fun and mini science experiment we had. Js enjoyed and loved it very much. Give it a go too!

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