Tuesday, 16 December 2014

We shared a heart with the Boys' Brigade

Some weeks ago, we were watching a programme of the less fortunate on TV. We got teary throughout the show and my heart melted when Jazz asked if I could do something for the less fortunate.

I attempted to google into the needs of some charitable centres and thanks to great awareness and publicity, I came to know about the Boys Brigade, 'Have a heart, share a gift' campaign. Before you think about the hefty fees spent on adverts, their PR firm did everything for them on a pro bono basis. Here are some faces on the publicity - lil blue bottle and In the Wee hours. Genuine volunteers!

Walk in and out of some NTUC supermarkets, and you'll find the boys brigade booth, collecting food donations. Would really be nice to get something from the store for their beneficiaries, 35,845 of them. The low income families. It's the last day of collection tomorrow, 17 Dec. 

Other than food donations, you may also volunteer your service for delivery. Having had food collected, packers to pack, all will be completed only with drivers to deliver. The man was away and I thought I should volunteer his car. We signed up to be the driver today! After 3 deliveries, 2 pit stops and 1 'not at home' delivery, I was so exhausted! I fully understand the hours of a taxi driver now.

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Nope, not a snack from the hamper. ha!

It took me much courage to volunteer this role. All because I'm very uncoordinated with road directions. It didn't help much when GPS don't work very well in our densely build up houses. I was a few times, missing turns and exits. At the end of everything, I returned to the Boys' Brigade HQ almost drained.

I'm however, so thankful for cooperative kids today! It was an eye-opener for them and me.

Just when I parked and was ready to step out to return the delivery slips and undelivered bags, I received a text from my friend, mentioning that I won a lucky draw. My Dad always tell me not to expect rewards in sowing kindness. I know it's sheer luck, but in disbelief I almost teared. Emo queen. It was definitely good comfort after some challenging work done. Maybe there really is some essence in saying kindness begets kindness. In whatever your belief, a heart of sincerity will never go wrong.

All my life, good deeds are not meant for light, but for inspiration. It really didn't cost much to donate food or do some deliveries. I know my 2 successful deliveries weren't very significant, but at least I made a difference to these 2 families. I may not know their story and hardships, just like how we say, "you will not know my hunger, because you're filled." I hope these goodies brought them some smiles and joy today. 

Food hampers delivery schedule available till 30 Dec, sign up here
Online food donation can be done here ($30 or $50) hamper.
On site food donation locations here (Till 17th Dec)

On the boys from the Brigade - it's the school holidays and you know how hard they've been working? I saw them toiled and sweated it out as they loaded the hampers onto cars after cars. They weren't light and there were just so much coordination to do. Good job, boys!

It was also extremely heartening to see families and individuals coming forward to volunteer their time and contribute food to the hampers. I say, Singaporeans are a bunch of kind people. Join in some kindness movement today!

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