Thursday, 25 June 2015

A day at the lawn - Superfundae

June is always a very hot-citing month for outdoor events. We had a fun-filled event over at Aviva Superfundae. Like what its name suggests, we did have a day of fun!

Weather was crazily hot, but we were glad to be battling with the sun, not rain. At the entrance, we were very warmly welcomed with goodie bags and the kids got to choose a toy of their choice in addition to their goodie bag. Nerf guns excited them. The bag was thoughtfully packed with a picnic  mat, umbrella and wet wipes! The very essentials for a hot day on a lawn. 

We were spoilt for activity choices once entered. There were so much to do in our seemingly little time. Boredom did not hit us for a single moment, the kids were very well engaged all time. 

We collected stamps for every activity we do, and completing the card game it allows us to exchange for a little toy at the redemption booth. We did the matches and dashes before cooling off to the arty and crafty work.

We did the milk and beer dashes. Oh yes, something for the adults too. Which of course, the man and I consumed the alcohol left in the cup, after the dashes. It was surprisingly, the most thirst quenching drink under that sweltering heat.

The kids had their hands on the crafty works, which they very much enjoyed.

We were simply thankful that these crafts were housed under a prop up tent, which was a thoughtful shelter and also a good hide from the sun. And I heard nursing Mums got to nurse in an air-conditioned area! So wonderful.

Js really enjoyed their time in there, every single moment of it. I thought the really exciting part was catching hold of gummies from the candy cannon that pops every hour. We collected and were generously gifted so much gummies that Js brought it to school for distribution.

The fun was physically exhausting, it sucked so much energy out of us that I thought we should end the day early. But the ever high energy kids decided that they should stay out, under the dark open sky for a movie. Oh well, what could be better than movies under the stars. We stayed on. Got dinner there and laid out the mat.

It was a very awesome day! Probably one of the best carnival we've been to and perhaps, paying a fee for events like this can be worth it at times. There were no swelling crowd, no snaking queues and just so much good play. Candies were flowing, ice cream was free and toys sent little ones beaming with smile. It was a land filled with excited kids.

I do hope #Superfundae will make a come back next year!

Disclaimer: Media invite. All photos and opinions are solely ours.

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