Friday, 26 June 2015

Frugal Friday #6 - ACM

We squeezed time out into the Asian Civillisations Museum (ACM). 

ACM seeks to promote a better appreciation of the rich cultures that make up Singapore's multi-ethnic society. It's current exhibition presents the evolution of Buddhism through the art of India. 

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All set for exploration!

Upon entering, collect a mini activity booklet at its reception, go through the exhibits and complete to redeem a little prize. 

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Hunting for answers

The religious exhibits were a little too dry and heavy for Js to comprehend. The highlight for them was the Animal race exhibits. Where little ones were invited to embark on an exciting trail to uncover secrets about animals in art! This exhibition features interactive ensembles inspired by objects in the collection of the Museum that draw on artists' visions of animals in art across many cultures.

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Animal variations

We saw animals crafted in the various versions, forms and textures. We also learned more about the animal race in the Chinese zodiac, which animal came first and last, and why? Js love the interactive wall that introduces the food these animals eat, as well as their habits. 

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Interesting animals out of craft

There was also a small cosy corner for little readers to grab a book for read. These books displayed for browsing were much about our local places and cultures. It captivated Js, nonetheless.

And next was the most interesting part of our visit. Any idea what other animal related exhibit would be put up? Don't think the conventional.

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What's that?!!

Guessed it? Animals' poop! Ok, I promise you, no funny smell in there. Js had a grossed out time eeewwing and yucking to the various forms of poops on display. It's not to create disgust, but scientists study animals' poop to know more about their health, DNA and behaviour. I'm glad those were the ones that aren't interactive. Just visual.

Once upon a time in Asia: The Animal race exhibits from now till 16 Aug 2015. 

We had a very short visit that day, as a big part of the Museum is under renovation. Hopefully, all will be up in big scale soon! If not, the animal exhibit is actually quite an interesting one.

Have a frugal fun filled weekend ahead! Recharge and refresh for the school term again, next week. Don't forgot those last minute assignments that has to be completed for school too.

Asian Civilisations Museum
1 Empress Place S(179555)
Opening hours

10am to 7pm (Saturdays to Thursday)
10am to 9pm (Fridays)

FREE admission to all Singapore citizens and PR (Bring identification along).

This is part 6 of the Frugal Friday series:
Frugal Friday #1 - SAM
Frugal Friday #2 - SPM
Frugal Friday #3 - Reflections at Bukit Chandu  
Frugal Friday #4 - National Museum
Frugal Friday #5 - Paranakan Museum

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